Friday, June 4, 2010

The Arizona Law

The new Arizona immigration law is the newest controversial topic making waves on the internet these days. The law will require police to determine the immigration status of anyone they stop and suspect is in the country illegally. It also makes it a state crime to lack proper immigration papers. Many say it is unconstitutional and leads to racial profiling.

Even when we throw terms out there like "illegal immigration," people don't seem to understand. Yes, the Arizona law is justified and what part of this term don't they get? Usually things that are illegal are not allowed, look it up. Imagine if murder were as lenient as illegal immigration, we would need to install more graveyards. What part of the word "illegal" don't you understand?

It seems a majority of the people complaining are the ones guilty of being illegal immigrants. That's a no brainer! What amazes me is how outraged these people are over doing something illegal. Please try to argue with that, because I promise you can't. Tell me what illegal means to you. At the same time, there are immigrants who have done what they were suppose to; they did all the paperwork, they took the tests, and went through the whole process of making themselves legal immigrants. That is how you do it, just make it legal. Don't hop the fence and then complain when we shun you. Make it legal, like millions of other people.

Let's say you get up in the morning and you go downstairs and see a complete stranger standing in your kitchen. This stranger is eating your breakfast.
"What the hell are you doing?" you say. They respond, "Hi, I'm going to be living here now, I'm going to be eating your food and you are going to pay for it." What would you say? Would you say "Okay, no problem, welcome to my home." Or do you say, "No, get the fuck out of my house and if you want something from me, knock first!" What are you going to say? If you're a person that randomly welcomes people into your house that eats all your food and you bend over backwards, then please send me your address because I'd love to come live with you.

It's common sense. If you're here legally, that's fine, you did the grunt work of getting something you wanted. If not, then go home or make it legal.

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