Monday, August 23, 2010

Disney Corrupts Girls

It's true. Disney corrupts when it comes to leading men in the classic Disney films. Think back to all the Disney classics like "Alladin", "Beauty and the Beast", "Little Mermaid", "Cinderella", "Speed 2: Cruise Control"...well..maybe not the last one, but same basic idea. These movies corrupt girls because they view these films as if they are the way society operates when it comes to relationships. It's full of these perfect leading men with little flaws which in the real world wouldn't even be considered flaws. They've got the perfect build, perfect smile, teeth, they're tan, funny, rich, and respected. How common is it to find these traits in real world men today? Not even 1 percent. I guarantee if they have these traits there's a 99% chance they're a jerk.

When women find this type of guy and wonder why it didn't work out, they're surprised. Well they shouldn't be surprised but I think we have Disney to blame. Girls know in the back of their minds the difference between a fairy tale movie but they can't help but keep their hopes up and so they walk around with standards at what I call a "Disney Standard" and they will end up single for the rest of their lives or searching for a long long time.

Let me lay down the line of reality. Stop searching for that guy in your favorite Disney movie and wake up. Lower your standards because I bet you're no princess Jasmine anyway. Idiot.