Monday, August 23, 2010

Disney Corrupts Girls

It's true. Disney corrupts when it comes to leading men in the classic Disney films. Think back to all the Disney classics like "Alladin", "Beauty and the Beast", "Little Mermaid", "Cinderella", "Speed 2: Cruise Control"...well..maybe not the last one, but same basic idea. These movies corrupt girls because they view these films as if they are the way society operates when it comes to relationships. It's full of these perfect leading men with little flaws which in the real world wouldn't even be considered flaws. They've got the perfect build, perfect smile, teeth, they're tan, funny, rich, and respected. How common is it to find these traits in real world men today? Not even 1 percent. I guarantee if they have these traits there's a 99% chance they're a jerk.

When women find this type of guy and wonder why it didn't work out, they're surprised. Well they shouldn't be surprised but I think we have Disney to blame. Girls know in the back of their minds the difference between a fairy tale movie but they can't help but keep their hopes up and so they walk around with standards at what I call a "Disney Standard" and they will end up single for the rest of their lives or searching for a long long time.

Let me lay down the line of reality. Stop searching for that guy in your favorite Disney movie and wake up. Lower your standards because I bet you're no princess Jasmine anyway. Idiot.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Arizona Law

The new Arizona immigration law is the newest controversial topic making waves on the internet these days. The law will require police to determine the immigration status of anyone they stop and suspect is in the country illegally. It also makes it a state crime to lack proper immigration papers. Many say it is unconstitutional and leads to racial profiling.

Even when we throw terms out there like "illegal immigration," people don't seem to understand. Yes, the Arizona law is justified and what part of this term don't they get? Usually things that are illegal are not allowed, look it up. Imagine if murder were as lenient as illegal immigration, we would need to install more graveyards. What part of the word "illegal" don't you understand?

It seems a majority of the people complaining are the ones guilty of being illegal immigrants. That's a no brainer! What amazes me is how outraged these people are over doing something illegal. Please try to argue with that, because I promise you can't. Tell me what illegal means to you. At the same time, there are immigrants who have done what they were suppose to; they did all the paperwork, they took the tests, and went through the whole process of making themselves legal immigrants. That is how you do it, just make it legal. Don't hop the fence and then complain when we shun you. Make it legal, like millions of other people.

Let's say you get up in the morning and you go downstairs and see a complete stranger standing in your kitchen. This stranger is eating your breakfast.
"What the hell are you doing?" you say. They respond, "Hi, I'm going to be living here now, I'm going to be eating your food and you are going to pay for it." What would you say? Would you say "Okay, no problem, welcome to my home." Or do you say, "No, get the fuck out of my house and if you want something from me, knock first!" What are you going to say? If you're a person that randomly welcomes people into your house that eats all your food and you bend over backwards, then please send me your address because I'd love to come live with you.

It's common sense. If you're here legally, that's fine, you did the grunt work of getting something you wanted. If not, then go home or make it legal.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

You Will Die Early

Take a look at the news articles on any site like Yahoo and you will likely see a heading pertaining to a new study. Some of these studies show reasonable common sense things. For example, studies show drinking too much gasoline will kill you. It may be surprising, but it's true! Thank you to whoever performed that study because it saved my life. On the flip side, there's been many recent studies about little things that will kill you faster than if you didn't do them.

As a matter of fact, I came across a study that said 'sitting down' will increase your chance of dying by a certain percentage. Oh no! People of Earth, stand up or die! Ok, I'm sure it's agreed that sitting down in front of a television for a prolonged period of time isn't good for you. Suddenly they throw in words like "increase, death and percentage" and fear strikes among the nation and soon, nobody is sitting down. Chair manufacturers will go out of business. There will be no more furniture stores and worst of all, we have to stand up to poop. Squatting is as close as we come to sitting down anymore, or face death. Look out.

The latest study has come out with the headline "Being bored could be bad for your health." The very first line reads, "In a commentary to be published in the International Journal of Epidemiology in April, experts say there's a possibility that the more bored you are, the more likely you are to die early." Well that sure grabbed my attention. I see the words "experts, bored, die," and that scares me. Back in the old days, I used to be afraid of getting hit by cars, skin cancer, or being shot and killed by gang members, but now that I've got 'sitting' and 'boredom' to worry about, I don't know how I made it this far, good riddance. It seems we can't do anything these days without running the risk of dying early.

So there we have it, these studies have warned the world of the dangers of sitting and being bored. Now we're all running around while singing. Today, I attached my computer to my treadmill and made sure that if I got bored I would start a fight with the person nearest to me so that my brain would be occupied and body filled with adrenaline. Life is much safer now. Thank you studies!

Other studies have shown that blogging can contribute to cutting your life in half, so I'm out!

Friday, January 15, 2010

My Perfect President

I don't understand why anybody would want to be the president of the United States but I suppose somebody's got to do it. Here's my checklist for what would make the perfect president.

1. Intelligent, they will know something about everything and everything about something.

2. Strong and full of common sense.

3. Neither declared democrat or republican, they base their decisions on the issues; not the positions of a specific party.

4. Not religious, but spiritual with a high respect and passion for human life.

5. Doesn't use teleprompters, they speak from the heart. It may not always come out smooth but it sounds more human rather than just reading something someone else wrote.

6. A strong sense of humor. They will know when and how to be funny.

7. Will volunteer to fight any terrorist leader hand to hand. It will be an arranged fight at a special location where terrorist leaders and world leaders duke out their differences. Sparing the lives of thousands of troops.

8. They will admit their flaws and weaknesses because being able to admit a weakness is a strength.

9. Will show their anger sometimes. They will not always be polite to challengers, they will shout and put them in their place if it is called for. Like a mild Hitler only without concentration camps.

And that's what it takes to be the perfect president.